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The CONCACAF XXIV Congress, 2004 took place in St. Georges, Grenada on May 2, 2004. Invited to the Hall of Fame Dinner hosted by the Morocco Bid Committee for World Cup 2010 was our Intercontinental Manager Luis H. Garcés Böhmer. Important celebrities of the Soccer world were among the invited guest. Mr. Garcés Böhmer had the honor of meeting and presenting himself On behalf of and ScoringSystem, Inc. to some of the most influential people in soccer today.

 Mr. Joseph Sepp Blatter, President of FIFA and considered the sixth most important person in the world;

Dr. Bob Contiguglia, President of the United States Soccer Federation

Mr. Andy Sharpe, President of the Canadian Soccer Association

Mr. Song, Young Shik, Vice-President of the Korean Football Association

Mr. Guy-Philippe Mathieu, Personal Assistant to Mr. Blatter

Guillermo Cañedo, President and Owner Of Televisa Mexico - OTI (Organización de Telecomunicaciones Iberoamericanas).


Luis Garcés Böhmer was very pleased with the results of his work during The CONCACAF Congress. He was able to meet more than 25 of the 40 Presidents from the different federations that make-up CONCACAF (Confederation North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football). The relationship he has acquired with many of these important members of the soccer world, will soon begin to produce important business relationships for our company.

We have a great deal of work ahead of us now with follow-ups and Proposals that will be presented in the near future to organizations like FIFA, US Soccer Federation, AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization), Federación Costaricense de Fútbol, among others.


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